Hybrid short sea merchant vessels

Corvus Energy has supplied marine battery energy storage systems (ESS) to a range of short sea merchant vessels, such as chemical tankers, bulk carriers and container vessels.

Benefits of marine battery energy storage for short sea merchant vessels

By transforming unused power generated by a diesel or LNG engine to electricity and storing it in batteries on board for later use, a short-sea merchant vessel can be more energy efficient. The energy stored within the battery energy storage system can later be used for peak shaving and load levelling, which in turn allow for more optimal load on the engines, thereby reducing fuel consumption, emissions and required maintenance.

Hybrid short-sea merchant vessels typically uses battery energy storage for:

  • Optimized energy consumption by load levelling and peak shaving
  • Maneuvering into port and in shallow waters
  • Zero emissions in port
  • Increase safety and reliability – including black-out prevention


  • Reduced fuel consumption
  • Reduced emissions
  • Safer operations
  • More silent operations when in zero-emissions mode
  • reduced maintenance costs


Marine energy storage systems (ESS) are suitable for both retrofit and newbuild applications.

Corvus Energy powers more electric and hybrid vessels than any other battery system provider.

Over 50% of the world’s hybrid and all-electric maritime vessels are equipped with a Corvus Energy system, including several short sea merchant vessels. We offer a full range of marine battery energy storage and fuel cell systems suitable for a variety of vessel types.

Learn about our work with short sea merchant vessels.

For examples of short sea merchant vessels that use a Corvus Energy marine battery energy storage system, click here.

Study: Hybridization in short sea shipping

In a joint study, MAN Energy Solutions, DNV GL and Corvus Energy investigated the benefits of new, cost-effective hybrid applications for larger ocean-going cargo vessels. Explore the results below.