Electric and Hybrid Yachts

Imagine silent, emission-free sailing, powered by battery energy storage systems for electric and hybrid yachts.

Energy storage is ideal for yachts, whether it is for navigating in and out of harbours and marinas or visiting remote, exotic places. Corvus Energy is the leading provider of marine battery energy systems and provides solutions for electric and hybrid yachts.

Experience the benefits of hybrid electric power.

Utilizing energy storage systems to power electric and hybrid yachts offers several benefits. Fully battery powered operations require zero fuel and produce zero carbon emissions. Beyond avoiding harmful emissions, battery systems can improve energy efficiency, save fuel and reduce maintenance costs. The batteries additionally serve as a backup emergency power source. Battery operations are also quiet, reducing noise pollution for peaceful sailing.

Yachts typical use cases for battery energy storage:

  • Optimize energyconsumtion by loadlevelling
  • Manouvering into port and in shallow waters
  • “Fjord” mode
  • Silent mode when anchoring or stopping at sea
  • Zero emission in port
  • Increase safety and reliability – including black out prevention
  • Provide black start capability
  • Hotelloads can be ran in case of dead ship


  • Reduced fuel consumption
  • Reduced emissions
  • zero emissions for long priods of time
  • Safer operations
  • Silent operations when in zero emission mode


Corvus Energy ESS is suitable for both newbuilds and retrofit projects.

More than 50% of the world’s hybrid and all-electric maritime vessels are equipped with a Corvus Energy system.

Corvus Energy is the leading provider of marine energy storage systems worldwide. We offer a full range of marine battery energy storage and fuel cell systems, and work with a variety of vessel types and operational profiles. Learn more about our experience.